Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meridian Layover Part 2

The boys all snuggling :)
We LOVED seeing Liam play Big Brother to Graham!  It was super sweet, and it totally reminded me of when Jackson played Big Brother to "Baby" Liam!!!
Brandi bought the boys matching t-shirts!!!  KK wore her coordinating outfit and we headed to Planet Playground to take some pictures!
Silly faces!
Check out these two sweeties holding hands :)
Jackson and KK had fun posing by the tree while Brandi was getting her camera all set up
Heading off to play!
I forgot what this sign was for.  I think maybe it was the names of some big supporters who helped get the playground built?  But, perfect photo op for our little bug :)
Such good, happy friends!
We had a little impromptu photo shoot ourselves :)
I had just said, "I love you!"  Josh (playfully) grunted in return.  This was my reaction ;)
That's more like it :)
Liam's drippy, sweaty face says it all--this was one stinkin' hot day!  We headed home after not too much longer to retreat to the air conditioning! 
For dinner that evening we headed BACK to Dickey's!  Josh and I were totally won over, so when the question of where to go for dinner came up, we knew what we wanted!  After dinner, the guys took the big kids home for a movie and bed while Brandi and I took Graham and went to run some errands and get some girl time.  Boy I miss that so much with her :( 
Luckily, we got an extra day in Meridian, though!!!  YAY!  The Langstafffs had a hard time getting home on schedule from their weekend in Maine, so we decided to stay in Meridian an extra day to give them some time to get themselves organized before we exploded into their house :)
We didn't do a whole lot yesterday--just hung out, but it was SO nice to have the extra time together!  Brandi used the time to practice some photo shoot ideas (separate post), so that was really fun!  She and Scott grilled some delicious pizzas for lunch and then we had yummy spaghetti for dinner.  The biggest news of the day was that Graham took a large chunk of his morning nap in the Pack-n-Play!  YAY!  While that's exciting, it's not such a huge deal.  As long as he sleeps at night without us holding him, I'm happy to hold him for his naps during the day...

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