Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So Thankful

We had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving weekend :)  We started with dinner on Thursday with some great friends who also happen to be our neighbors--we are SO lucky!!! 
 The Bashores and the Walburgers came over around 2:30 and we enjoyed a delicious meal!  It was so handy having neighbors over because that meant we really had THREE ovens!   I hope everyone else had as good of a time as we did!  This was the first Thanksgiving (for either of us) when we weren't with one of our families.  This get together was a wonderful distraction :)
 Aimee had the idea to make these sweet place settings!
 FALL :)
This isn't even all of the food!
 Graham and Jackson: Just Moose-In Around!
 The Walburgers were nice enough to share the copy of "Brave" they rented from Redbox, so the kids started watching it in our family room, but then went over to the Walburgers to finish.  THAT was another nice perk--just ship the kids down the street for some peace and quiet!!!
 Reagan and Levi--LOVE these faces!
 Jackson and Avery--LOVE watching these two together--they are quite the pair!
 I don't have any pictures of her, I realize, but our friend, Erin, who works with Josh joined us too!  She somehow got roped into taking family photos in our pretty woods!
 We all hung around until 7ish, and then everyone went back home...before Black Friday shopping began!!!  Aimee, Rachel, and I headed over to Target around 8:30 for their 9pm opening.  We had pretty good luck, if I do say so myself including copies of "Brave" for $10 and the Transformers I was going to buy Jackson anyways for a few dollars cheaper.  Last year, Mom, Larry and I went to Kohl's and had a great experience.  This was just as nice!  Everyone was in a pretty good mood, and there was no craziness.  We came back home for a break before Rachel and I headed to the mall for their midnight opening!  I got home from there around 3:45am--we had SUCH a good time!  There wasn't anything major I was looking for, but the atmosphere was fun, and I found a few good deals!
 After Jackson got up on Friday morning, I situated him in the family room with some breakfast and some shows while I went back to bed!  When I came back down, he had the ads spread around him--LOL  Luckily, the things he pointed out that he wanted are the things he is already getting!  YAY!
 Graham got in on the Black Friday shopping too :)
 In my head, we were going to do all of our decorating on Friday, but we had more of a lazy day.  We DID get our outdoor decorations up, which was great since it was such a nice day!  We haven't used these lights since we lived in Crystal Lake!!!  Jackson LOVES them :)  We didn't hang any up last year since we were gone from Thanksgiving until almost-Christmas.  Jackson loved looking at the other houses and asked if we could decorate ours.  He was so excited to see them light up!
 On Friday night, Josh and I set up our trees and put the lights on.  On Saturday morning, Jackson helped me decorate!  This was the first time he got to help, and he was a really good helper!
Josh has been crazy busy with work, and then he worked on lots of projects this past week and weekend, so he was excited to relax in front of the Bears game on Sunday.  Graham was quite happy to keep him company!  We swear, this kid loves football :)

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