Friday, January 22, 2016

January Marches On as Snoly Crap Approaches...

Jackson's school, Pattie, holds at least one Spirit Night a month to raise money for the PTCO.  It's usually a restaurant that donates a percentage of the profit back to the school based on how many people come in on a night and show the special flyer.  We also did a fun one for roller skating in November.  January's was at Chuck E. Cheese, and I had NO intention of going!  BUT, Jackson saw the flyer, asked really nicely to go, and was super excited!  He doesn't usually pay attention to the papers coming home, so the fact that he was excited about this one meant something to me, and he's been really great lately.  I decided if we went right at the start and only stayed for a bit before it got super crowded, it would be ok.  And, it was!  We met some friends, and the boys took off!  I got to sit still and the boys kept coming back for tokens, so I pretty much knew where they were!
Jackson's turn in the Ticket Blaster!
Graham's turn in the Ticket Blaster was a RIOT!

Having a ride with Paddington at the mall.
Making cookies :)
Making cookies with a silly face :)
Jackson's turn to help bake!
A little school lunch date :)
Fun deely-bobbers!
New lightsabers!  I have a feeling another crazy Virginia winter is about to start...  Yesterday, we received word by 2:30pm that school would be closed today AND at least delayed by two hours on Monday, if not cancelled then as well!  There is no snow on the ground currently, nor is any falling from the sky.  I just LAUGHED!  As a native Chicagoan, and my dad's daughter (he NEVER cancelled school, and certainly not so far in advance!), the way all of this winter business is handled is nuts!    There might be something to this forecast since Jim Cantore is IN D.C...  This storm has been forecast for quite a few days, so I'm all stocked up on groceries to cook and bake plenty of delicious comfort food!  The boys and I did venture out to Target for a few last minute items, and I'm not sure what came over me that I bought these!  Only two hours in to our Snow Day off, and I'm already making questionable decisions!  So far they've provided far more fun than conflict... ;)

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