Monday, March 31, 2014

Snow Days and Those in Between

I think we finally topped out at 13 snow days for this winter.  THIRTEEN, People!!!  We are SO over these days--we have baked, crafted, snowmanned, movied, read, colored, wrestled, and bundled up to our hearts content...and then some :/  Here are a few snapshots of the last bunch of snow days:
Baking!  I love that Jackson wanted to wear his superhero cape to bake!
Avery came to hang out one afternoon, and I caught Jackson reading TO her!  This really made it sink in how big they are getting! When we all moved in, Avery was younger than Jackson--not quite five, and here they are almost three years later...  Oh yeah, and we added three kids between the two families!
Superhero Friends!
A morning run turns into a nap!
He looks so little and so big to me at the same time!
Conked out!
And, in the midst of the snows, we got some sunny days!  We hit two different parks in one weekend!
This handsome man took my order while playing restaurant!

We had a snow day ON St. Patrick's Day, and then it snowed again on Sunday, March 30th.  As in two days before APRIL!!!  Luckily, it didn't amount to anything, but it was nerve wracking for a bit...

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