We are slowing down with all of our fun indoor activities... ahem... We did get a head start on Valentines! Josh went back to work via Telework, but at least he still could stay home.
frown emoticon
The day ended on a high note for me as as I escaped the house ALL BY MYSELF! Ahhh...
The boys are tired of TV! That's how you know you've had too many snow days... They mostly played games (Candy Land, Go Fishin', Zingo, Connect Four, and Sequence) nicely while I cleaned the house. They also loved the alien and robot sticker book i got with stickers to make funny faces!
Telework Perk: Game Break to finish the game of Sequence for Kids Little Brother abandoned...

This friendship is awesomesauce! An afternoon playdate was just what we needed, and Izzy and Jackson spent most of the afternoon playing in the melting snow.

They built an Olaf!
The last activity of the day was shaving cream play in the tub--HUGE hit! (This was inspired by playing with cars in piles of shaving cream on the table during Preschool!)
Spiderman can ride his motorcycle in the shaving cream up the wall
Darth Vader can use the Dark Side in shaving cream too
Bulldozing shaving cream
More Lego guys lined up and stuck in the shaving cream!
Oh, and just before lunch, we found out school is closed tomorrow AND Friday...! (To be fair, Friday was already slated as an early release day. We also have a teacher work day on Monday, so it will be ***8*** days of school missed by the time we go back on Tuesday!!!).
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