Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Day of Kindergarten!!!

 Jackson was more than ready to head off to Kindergarten this morning!  We met his teacher last week, and that got us even more excited!  Mrs. LeBel is everything you imagine when you think "Kindergarten Teacher."  We have been practicing his room number and bus number all weekend :)
 Check out our big boy!!!  He was super excited to wear this new dinosaur shirt he picked out.  He liked that the dinosaur had a notebook like he and Daddy use to go geocaching :)
 Daddy and Jackson
Mommy and Jackson
 Daddy teleworked today so he could do some of the awesome first day things with us :)  Heading off to the bus stop!
 These two have been buddies since we all moved in.  Three years later, and Sage and Jackson are off to Kindergarten!!!
 We are so excited to see Izzy at the bus stop every morning too!  She is one fun Third Grader :)
 Off he goes!
 Of course, Josh, Graham and I jumped in the car to go meet the bus at school!  Jackson's stance says it all in this picture!  He was full of confidence and big smiles :)
 Since it was the first day, all of the students came to the multi-purpose room first to be sorted by class.  Jackson waited SO patiently to line up to go to his classroom!
 Off they go!
 A little first day of school treat :)
 And, just like that, it was about 3:00 and time to meet the bus!  He had an awesome first day :)
Special First Day of School Treat: SweetFrog!!!

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