I have been in a huge funk since my parents left. Of course, I am SUPER excited for our big vacation to Alaska at the end of the summer, and it's not even that long until we see them again, but it was extra hard to say goodbye to them knowing we had another really hard goodbye coming up. We moved into our house Mother's Day weekend three years ago. The Bashore family moved in for good about a month later. For the past three years, all members of the families have enjoyed such fun times and made TONS of memories! We learned from each other, encouraged one another, ate LOTS of yummy food, traded recipes, played countless games, roasted bunches of marshmallows, grew babies, raised sweet children, camped, canoed, ran, crafted, shopped, relaxed, lent out last-minute grocery items, helped with heavy lifting to save marriages, and truly made the most of living two houses apart. The inside of the houses was even exactly the same layout!!! We wanted to soak up as much time as possible before we had to say our goodbyes.

We were more than happy to have Levi hang out for the day, and we took him to see Rocknoceros at Stonebridge! I'm not sure how any of them felt about the music, but they sure loved being together :)
We sat with Lillian and Heidi again, and Graham liked Miss Heidi's hat! And her harmonica, but I didn't get a picture of that funny sight!
Three boys enjoying the fountain after the show! Jackson was just shy of 3 when Levi was born. Levi was getting ready to turn 1 when Graham was born. Cute stair-stop boys :)
Special buddies!
Looks like Jackson and Levi need a little more time in the sun compared to Grahammers!
The goodbye fun continued with Hallie, Aimee, Rachel and I went out to get ice cream. Our goodbye to Hallie is coming in just under a month. Sigh... One at a time!
Graham, Levi, Sage and Jackson enjoying Sage and Clay's super awesome new pool! I LOVE that Graham and Levi's swim trunks match! Jackson had a pair that matched, but he out-grew them :(
We squeezed in one last dinner at our house with the Bashores after the moving truck came and loaded up all of their boxes. We had spaghetti and cheesy garlic bread. This peanut butter chocolate chip pound cake was for dessert :) The kids all got some more playing in, and the grown-ups got to relax a bit and chat.
Yesterday was the day to say, "We can't wait to visit you in your new house!!!" Hugging this wonderful family goodbye was really hard :( We couldn't believe our luck with what amazing neighbors moved in with us! We still have some awesome ones living here, and we are crossing our fingers for some wonderful new friendships to form...
Jolene had no way of knowing, but her dinner invitation for last night was PERFECT timing!!! Hitting the road to spend time with some other good friends (who are NOT moving) put us in a better mood! Josh and Rick played a little golf, and I kept Jolene company as she made yet another amazing meal for us, and the boys all played. These two are just adorable trouble together! Graham caught on quickly that Kermit was Owen's special lovey. He tried to use Kermit to get Owen off the stool, so HE could get up there! Smart cookie! (They only posed like this so I could take a picture!)
We distracted ourselves right away by making cookies to take to our new neighbors! This was my first time with both boys helping, and it went pretty well!
We made LOTS of cookies, and we used them as an excuse to go meet two new families! They were both REALLY nice, and we are looking forward to getting to know them. We will get to meet our third new family sometime in late July or August...