We got in one more free flight for Graham under 2, and planned a trip to visit Mimi and Bampa over Spring Break!!! Jackson was ecstatic to get to not only fly on an airplane, but to also get to wheel his own suitcase through the airport :) Getting to the airport and checking in went ok, until the woman at the counter told me there were only two seats left, and they were not together. We flew AirTran, which has great prices, but that's because they charge you extra for everything! I knew they charged extra for choosing seats ahead of time, but I had never had any trouble with getting two seats together especially since I booked them on the same reservation. While I was happy to let someone else sit next to my five-year old, the woman was able to accommodate us. Once we got to the gate, I checked with the gate attendant to make sure the change had gone through, and she went ahead and upgraded us to First Class!!! SCORE! I have to be honest, though. The First Class seats were in the bulkhead, so we had to put all of our carry-ons above our seats, and that made me nervous, particularly with Graham, so I almost asked if could stick with the change we made in the regular section. LOL

Graham all ready to take off!
Jackson didn't really understand the excitement with our seating change, but he was just happy to be on the plane :)
He was pretty pumped about his juice and the extra pack of Oreos he got all to himself at 10am! LOL They brought us a basket of yummy snacks to choose from, and we got drinks quickly. Lovely perks!
And, then this lovely perk happened! Graham has slept on every flight we've taken him on (which Jackson never did as a baby), but I figured since he was so much older, he would be awake the whole time. He conked right out! I got a good hour or so to drink my Diet Coke and read my book :)
Spring Break First Class Airplane Selfie
Bampa picked us up at the airport, and we headed straight for Big Herms for lunch, of course!
Mimi got home after naptime, and everyone was anxious to see/talk to her!
Sorting shapes with the hippo and Bampa
Jackson showing Mimi his new game on his LeapPad
Bampa got out this super cool game to play with Jackson, which both boys loved!
Graham enjoyed clapping for everyone!
And, then it did this. On April 14th...